Maker Workshop Series – Electronic Wearables

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Brittany put on an absolutely stellar class last Saturday!

We started the morning talking about wearables in the wild, what some key innovators are doing, and the future/now of the tech such as haptics and the possible normalization of electronics in our clothing for social and utility purposes.

Then Brittany presented some hardware evolution of recent years with multiple development boards and components to pass around for attendees to examine.

The bottom line: much progress. There are a plethora of options for sensors, connecting in flex, and I/O thanks to innovators like Sparkfun and especially AdaFruit.

Then, we dug into our Lilypad LilyTwinkle ProtoSnap kits. I made my tote bag blink in about an hour using the specially designed stainless thread, circuit board, LED’s, and coin battery holder.

See more pics of the event here.

And here are some suggested links by our teacher for those interested in the art of soft circuits.

We’re having another wearables class later this year, so watch our meetup to join the fun!